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Computer Parts Full Form List A to Z PDF

HTML Table Generator
3GP  3rd Generation Project 
AAC  Advanced Audio Coding 
AGP  Advanced Graphics Port 
AI  Artificial Intelligence 
ALU  Arithmetic Logic Unit 
ANSI  American National Standards Institute 
API  Application Program Interface 
APT  Automatically Programmed Tooling 
ARP  Address Resolution Protocol 
ARQ  Automatic Repeat Request 
ASCII  American Standard Code for Information Interchange 
ASP  Active Server Pages 
AUI  Attachment Unit Interface 
BCD  Binary Coded Decimal 
BCR  Bar Code Reader 
BIOS  Basic Input Output System 
BIU  Bus Interface Unit 
BPS  Bits Per Second + Bytes Per Second. 
CAD  Computer Aided Design 
CADD  Computer Aided Design and Drafting 
CAM  Computer Aided Manufacturing 
CAN  Campus Area Network 
CD  Compact Disk 
CDMA  Code-Division Multiple Access 
CERT  Computer Emergency Response Team 
CMD  Command 
CMOS  Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor 
COBOL  Common Business Oriented Language 
CPU  Central Processing Unit 
CSS  Cascading Style Sheets 
DBMS  Data Base Management System 
DDL  Data Definition Language 
DNS  Domain Name System 
Doc  Document 
DOS  Disk Operating System 
DSL  Digital Subscriber Line 
DVD  Digital Video/Versatile Disc 
EEPRAM  Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 
EFS  Encrypted File System 
E-Mail  Electronic Mail 
FAQ  Frequently Asked Question 
FAT  File Allocation Table 
FDD  Floppy Disk Drive 
FM  Frequency Modulation 
FORTRAN  Formula Translation 
FTP  File Transfer Protocol 
GB  Giga Byte 
GDI  Graphical Device Interface 
GIF  Graphic Interchangeable Format  
GIGO  Garbage In Garbage Out 
GML  Geography Markup Language 
GPRS  General Packet Radio Service 
GPS  Global Positioning Satellite/System 
GSM  Global System for Mobile Communication 
GUI  Graphical User Interface 
HDD  Hard Disk Drive 
HDMI  High Definition Multimedia Interface 
HTML  Hyper Text Markup Language 
HTTP  Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 
HTTPS  Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure 
IBM  International Business Machines 
IC  Integrated Circuit 

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